Réaction de la Conférence des évêques de France et Holy Games au sujet de la cérémonie d’ouverture des Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024

Réaction de la Conférence des évêques de France et Holy Games au sujet de la cérémonie d’ouverture des Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024

Paris Games : press release from the French Bishops’ Conference and the « Holy games » project

In the run-up to the Paris Games, the Holy Games project, inspired by the Roman Catholic Church, has been mobilizing a large number of Catholics for almost three years, to share the sporting and popular fervor surrounding the Paris Games, this magnificent event organized by our country.

Last week, we were delighted to host the opening mass of the Olympic truce, in the presence of numerous religious, political and sporting figures.

We believe that the values and principles expressed and disseminated by sport and Olympism contribute to the need for unity and fraternity that our world so desperately needs, while respecting everyone’s convictions, around the sport that brings us together and promotes peace among nations and hearts.

Last night’s opening ceremony, organized by the French COJOP, offered the world a marvelous display of beauty and joy, rich in emotion and universally acclaimed.

This ceremony unfortunately included scenes of mockery and derision of Christianity, which we deeply regret. We would like to thank the members of other religious denominations who have expressed their solidarity with us.

This morning, we are thinking of all the Christians on every continent who have been hurt by the outrageousness and provocation of certain scenes. We want them to understand that the Olympic celebration goes far beyond the ideological biases of a few artists.

Sport is a wonderful human activity that deeply delights the hearts of athletes and spectators alike. Olympism is a movement at the service of this reality of human unity and fraternity. Now it’s time to take to the field, and may it bring truth, consolation and joy to all !

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